Estate Law

Estate Administration /
Probate of a Will

After a person passes, one or more relatives (or friends) will need to act as the deceased person’s “Estate Trustee”.

Our firm can

Key Takeaways

We assist in all types of applications to the court:

Certificates of Appointment of Estate Trustee With or Without a Will; Certificates of Estate Trustee During Litigation; Certificates of Appointment of Succeeding Estate Trustee; Resealing or Ancillary Certificate of Appointment.
Any Estate (for which an Application for Certificate of Appointment is required), where the value of the Estate is $50,000 or less, will no longer have to pay any Estate Administration Tax (EAT). For all other Estates where the value of the Estate is over $50,000, no tax will be calculated on the first $50,000 but the tax remains at 1.5% for the value of assets reported over $50,000.
The time for filing an Estate Information Return (“EIR”) is 180 days from the date of the grant of Certificate of Appointment. The time to file an amendment is 60 days.
Probate applications are made in the jurisdiction (court location) where the deceased ordinarily resided.